Sunday, July 29, 2007
1997/2007, Is there divine intervention for Tribe?
1. Victor Martinez hits first Indians homer in an All-Star game since Sandy Alomar JR. in 1997 (also a catcher)
2. Jim Leyland managed both the All-Star team and the 1997 Marlins.
3. Kenny Lofton is now back in Cleveland. He was an Indian during each of there mid 90's/early 2000's playoff teams. Except 1997.
4. The Indians were not expected to win the World Series in 1997. Diddo for 2007. That team may seem better but the competetion was easier, Tribes a reliever away from having a better overall team then 97.
5. 1997 and 2007 both end in seven. I always save my best arguements for last.
There it is. May not seem special but I'm using it as some added hope. On a serious note: I am eager to see how the trading deadline unfolds. I wanted a hitter. Welcome back # 7. Another veteran reliever coupled with more solid Jake Westbrook outings means this team is solid in all areas. Four quality starters, an improved batting order in terms of depth and speed, solid bullpen. Expect a full report soon...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
754 down, 1 to go

B-squared sent one into the stands last night against the Marlins, bringing his total to 754.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Bill Cowher ===> Mike Tomlin
Unlike most Steeler fans, I call it like it is. After capturing our fifth title in Super Bowl XL, anyone with a pulse could tell that Cowher's passion for the game was waning. And to be perfectly honest, it was understandable on my end because of what he had accomplished during his 15 seasons in Pittsburgh.
Now, I had missed only a handful of games since 1992 and to see Bill Cowher laughing/hugging/smiling before the game was just simply unnerving to me. What had happened to the Cowher that inadvertently spit on everyone? I missed the coach that grabbed his players by the collar and threw them around if they messed up. He even reduced some to tears (Kordell Stewart) because he was so passionate about his profession.
Now am I saying Cowher was not a great coach? HECK NO. But it was obvious that all parties involved needed a change.
Check out this article on Mike Tomlin. To me, he sounds like exactly the type of guy you want as your coach. We will find out soon enough.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Mike Vick: Part Deux
Even though you never enjoy watching someone's life spiral out of control like Michael Vick's is right now, it will be quite interesting to see how NFL Commish, Roger Goodell, is going to handle Vick's situation. Goodell has already shown us that you don't need to be convicted of anything in the public court of law to be suspended (ex. Pac-Man Jones). That is of course because in the NFL, Goodell is the judge and the jury as far as its players are concerned. Will he continue to follow the precedent he has set or does he start down the slippery slope of treating "star players" differently?
In my opinion (which is all that matters in this column), if the commissioner has any marbles (I personally do not doubt this) he will suspend Michael Vick for the entire season with pay. Thinks about it; by doing this, he will show every single team in the league that if you have a player that is going to blow-up the NFL's image and reputation, I'll blow-up your season. And not only is he never going to even sniff the field, you are still going to pay him every single cent of the ridiculous 100 million dollar contract you gave him. If that isn't a clear message to team's saying "Beware signing shady players", than I don't know what is.
Vick told the commissioner face-to-face at the NFL Draft in April that he had nothing to do with dog fighting and it was just some of his family members taking advantage of him. Looking back, maybe it wasn't the smartest thing Vick has ever done. Look for Goodell to come down, and come down hard on Michael Vick in the near future.
One last thing- if your the Falcons, do you really want to hear "Who Let the Dogs Out" 100 times every time you go on the road?
If you are interested, check out the entire 19 page Vick Indictment here. Pretty disgusting stuff.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Column waiver: If July is to early in your life for Buckeye football talk, please consider this Little Big League quote: “It’s April and people are already talking about Gopher football.” To my knowledge, scarlet and gray enthusiasts tend to out duel fictional Minnesota football fans.
Now that I have successfully quoted a Rosen favorite, I am proud to refocus on the grandest show the Buckeye state offers each fall. While the dog days of another baseball summer consume my mind, I cannot wait any longer to weigh in on OSU football (beginning September 1st versus Youngstown State on Last year’s national championship runner-up unit is ancient history, and a new group roams Lord Tressel’s court. This team will have fewer national expectations, due to an inexperienced QB and key losses on offense. Enthusiastic Buckeye fans will think National Title, realists will think otherwise. For this sports traditionalist, I’m just thrilled to watch true Buckeye offensive football each Saturday.
The Troy Smith/Teddy Ginn/Anthony Gonzalez regime thrilled us all. Each week featured a bevy of dazzling plays: Troy scampering away from defenders in the open field, Teddy hauling in the deep ball, and Gonzo running a precise route to snare a key pass. This brand of football entertained us all and produced countless victories (look no further then Troy’s 25-3 career record). The 3-0 record against Michigan wasn’t too shabby either.
Memories aside, it’s time to return to the roots of Ohio State pigskin. It’s time for the two staples that have stood the test of time: Smashmouth and persistent running with a side of ball control. It’s been awhile hasn’t it? This concept suits Tressel’s conservative viewpoint and won him a national title in 02. It is also the only way an OSU team with an inexperienced QB can defeat a powerhouse Michigan team (the point to every season). Todd Boeckman isn’t superman, nor is he Troy Smith, nor is he Craig Krenzel. No use even analyzing OSU’s passing game, running will need to rule again in Columbus. Here’s where the next great power back is born.
“Beanie the Big Meanie,” as fellow Ohio.FM broadcaster Bryan DeArdo calls Chris Wells, will be a superstar. (Digression here): In Rocky III, Sly’s character asks Mickey how much Thunderlips (Hulk Hogans, fictional character in the movie) eats. His response, “About 202 pounds.” Any rocky buff would no that this was Rocky’s weight. Fine humor with an impeccable delivery by the late Burgess Meredith (digression over). I don’t have any inside info on Beanie’s diet, but expect him to munch on defenders every Saturday.
While his speed isn’t remarkable (clocked 4.5 out of high school), he has a fine burst and all the size and toughness of a typical OSU back. At 6-1, 230 pounds, Wells should have the ability to withstand the punishment of a significant workload all year. With two incoming freshman and Mo Wells as backups, Beanie will be crucial early on in the season. Beanie left, Beanie right and most especially, Beanie up the middle will be on the docket. It won’t be three yards and a cloud of dust and it won’t be Troy Smith’s highflying aerial show. More then likely it won’t be a return to the national title game either. It’s too early to tell on the latter, but rest assured that offensive familiarity will not breed contempt in 07. Start the countdown to September 1 with an eye on the past.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Basically, I Love Montages...
WHY? WHY do I love montages so much?
When am I not trying to watch, great sports moments set to solid tunes?
Today I have done my research and picked some of my favorite montages of all-time to share.
Sit back and enjoy.
Lance Armstrong Montage:
My favortie single sports athlete of all-time. For many years in a row I would get up early to watch the Texan tap away on his pedals to seven Tour de France victories while overcoming a life-threatening illness. His triumph is among the greatest in sports history and he remains as one of my idols.
Gus Johnson Montage:
Sometimes its not a video, but an audio montage that gets the job done. Gus Johnson is college basketball and this montage features some of the best calls and moments in the past five years. He is simply the best there is.
Ted Ginn Jr.:
Over the past three season you don't remember Ted Ginn Jr. being this dominant, but this montage is a grand reminder of how good he really was as an OSU Buckeye. Six minutes and 31 seconds of 4.3 speed, bowl winning catches and oh yeah...the punt return against scUM. Great song too, makes the video. Keep in mind, this video doesn't even include highlights from 2007.
USA Soccer:
Respect to the 2007 Gold Cup Champions. Good Luck to the Under-20 team. Although we wet the bed in the 2006 World Cup, this team has come father in six months than I have ever seen. Johnson, Beasley, Adu, Altidore, Donovan, Feilhaber and Dempsey will become known in 2010 when this team is one of the world's best in 2010. Or sooner in the 08 olympics and 09 Confeds Cup.This vid got me hype before we beat Mexico in the Gold Cup Final.
Thats it for now, more to come.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Well boys and girls it’s All-Star time again. Time to reflect on a very successful first half that culminated in a disappointing fashion, with consecutive series losses. It’s 7 in the morning; forgive me if I’m still a bit peeved. Nevertheless, the tribe holds the wildcard lead. It’s lovely to have an Indians team in serious contention. Will this playoff dream become a reality for the first time since 2001? Let’s take a step back before taking a step forward with Rosen’s first half thoughts.
· Biggest surprise: Bar none Victor Martinez. Amazing job by the V-Mart this year, I had him dead wrong. My frustration with Victor always stemmed from the lack of power. If a cleanup hitter only knocks around 15 homers a season, a major problem exists. Well better late then never as Vic’s power has been in full effect all year. Not to mention the clutch hitting and consistency, the latter a Martinez staple for many years. I missed the boat on Victor this time and I anticipate another big second half.
· Biggest disappointment: Travis Hafner. How informative has this blog been! Another obvious choice here and this one stings badly. I’m a firm proponent of rooting for the uniform over the player and this will never change. On this end though I must admit that the Pronk is my favorite player and I want to see him successful. My biggest issue is his approach. He doesn’t seem to be attacking the ball in clutch situations nor is he looking for a single. Too many big swings, not the same Hafner. Look no further then his stats with runners in scoring position through Saturday: .172 (15-for-87, 37 RBI). Ouch. It’s fair to assume he will rebound in the second half. I’m just not confident enough at this time to predict any sort of huge finish. I guess he dented this wannabe child’s heart just a bit.
· Game of the year: Easily the Tribe’s astounding 9th inning comeback victory over the Tigers. Significant for many reasons including that David Dellucci actually delivered with a game-winning single. Beating the Tigers is fun but winning this game in Cleveland was better. I exclaimed on that evening that, “The magic is back” to anybody and everybody that cared. Perhaps our strong home record indicates something special about this season. Maybe the Tribe will have at least a .500 road record in the 2nd half. Then we’d really be in business.
· Tribe’s continuity pleasing: Many teams have solid clubhouses and more have major issues. This bunch sure seems to be at the top of that first group. I love the fact that every home victory ends with a pie in the face, (during the STO post game interview). Normal teams do not do this. A lack of leadership bothered me about last year’s team, now I’m not so concerned. It has to be my least favorite player, Trot Nixon. He still has a job and it has nothing to do with his on-field performance.
· Trot part 2: Every team, every season, one person to loathe. I cannot help my hatred for Trot Nixon, he just seems done to me. The guy cannot hit a fastball anymore, moves worse then myself after an extra value meal, and doesn’t see more then three pitches in an at bat. Now I respect his effort and extol his leadership efforts but it’s not enough. He will not rebound at all in the second half and is either still really hurt or the game has passed him. I think it’s a little of both, but he has no business starting multiple times a week.
· Lack of fans at the Jake: This is sad but only slightly. The reality is that Larry Dolan has not proved a willingness to spend enough money at any point in time (minus 2001) to motivate the disturbed Cleveland fans. It’s early and I expect fans to show up in August and September for the pennant race. Furthermore, expect fans to support this team in 08 from the beginning, if the tribe plays meaningful baseball in October.
· Prognosis slightly negative: Looking at the second half, I do not expect the Tribe to win the central. I have concerns about the 2-man bullpen of Joe Borowski and Rafi Betancourt. An injury to either could be extremely problematic. I love the starting pitching but the offense concerns me along with the pen. Lack of corner outfield production scares me. I’m not sold on Pronk dominating the second season. Without at least a veteran back-end reliever and/or an outfield bat, the central race may end sooner then expected. The Tigers were my World Series pick and that teams rolling all the way to the best record in baseball. Expect the Tribe to contend the whole season and stay the favorite. Maybe it’s too early in the morning, but I’m also not ready to anoint the kids of the Cuyahoga as playoff participants.
Now it is finally time for my break. Not saying I’m an All-Star but I’m just as deserving as Grady Sizemore this year. Grady has money, girls and isn’t bitter though. He wins.
Monday, July 9, 2007
I'm Still Bitter
Zinedine Zidane - my favorite soccer player since I have been 12 years old - was famously ejected from France's World Cup Final loss to Italy one year ago today, July 9, 2006. Zidane, who was later named the tournaments best player despite the now famous incident, has since retired from professional soccer, that being his last game.
Now I have said from the beginning, there is no way in hell Zidane was not provoked by Materazzi, as a player of "Zizou's" stature would not lose his composure like that otherwise. It has since come out that Zidane's mother was hospitalized that day and Materazzi said something regarding her situation. (For those who can't understand the magnitude of this single play, it would be like Michael Jordan head butting Byron Russel in the Game 6 of the 1998 NBA Finals instead of hitting the game winning shot)
Anyways, Italian soccer players continue to impress me with their abundant amount of class. What happened, happened. Get over yourselves. Talking trash for a Euro 2008 qualifying match does not make you cool. You guys won under ***CHEAP*** circumstances, and you will never change my mind otherwise.
(The article mentions a fall rematch of the teams, and it's on September 8. 2007. If you want to see some intense soccer do not miss this game!)
Back to where I started though, I think it's funny how I reflect on certain dates of the year that have importance to me when it comes to sports. Just to mention a few:
January 3rd - GREAT DAY. I don't care what happens to me on that day each year, it will be a glorious one no matter what. I annually throw in my OSU-UMiami DVD with a bowl of popcorn and relive each play with the same eagerness that I had back in 2003 (like I don't even know what happens??).
January 8th/9th - Very bad day(s). Two of the worst day's of my life. I was there. I traveled across the country to see that. In fact, I really don't even like talking about it now six months later because so many different and descriptive expletives are running through my mind (Wow, almost EXACTLY six months later. Do I hear twilight zone music in the background?). The events that happened on those days this year were bad enough to annually ruin 2 days, not just the normal one. Every Jan. 8th/9th from now on will be shitty. There is just no way around it.
April 2nd - see above.
P.S. 54 days til OSU vs. YSU
P.S.S. I can't believe I am actually excited for a game that will be over before it even starts.
-Gabe Norris
Friday, July 6, 2007
Random Thoughts ...
The US favorite for the event is Levi Leipheimer. Here's to another US victory!
Here is an outstanding article in my opinion on Oden and Conley going to the NBA and finally having to separate ways. I fell in love with these guys along with the entire 06-07 OSU Basketball team (minus Daequan) and am looking forward to following both of their NBA careers.

It's also good to see that another former Buckeye, Ron Lewis, is going to get his shot at making it in the league. This week, he was signed by the Houston Rockets to play in the NBA's summer league and will have to impress to make Houston's roster for next year. I have been telling anyone who will listen for months now that there is no question in my mind that Ron has the skills to play in the NBA (see Xavier game, both Tennessee games, the North Carolina game, and his game clinching block against Wisky), he just needs a team to give him a chance. I've watched this guy play every game the past two years and he definitely has what it takes to be at least a solid bench player in the NBA.
Andy Roddick just lost to some French guy at Wimbledon. Quit playin games with my heart Andy!!!!! This was suppose to be your year to take down Roger!
In closing, I am going to rant a little bit about ESPN. Now, I know that they are doing the best that they can up in Bristol, but for god's sake WHAT WERE YOU GUYS THINKING WITH THE " WHO'S NOW " segment? This is quite possibly the dumbest thing that has ever been put on television. This is such a big turnoff from ESPN to all true sports fans. I have never willingly wanted to change the channel from Sportscenter before this. In fact, I would rather watch WNBA highlights than the "Who's Now" thing.
I can't believe I just said that.
Anyways, words cannot even begin to describe how much I hate this segment. Every time it comes on I seriously consider throwing something at my TV out of pure anger. Wow. Whoever thought of "Let's have a totally hypothetical athlete popularity contest and stick it into a march madness style bracket" needs to be fired. NEWSFLASH to ESPN: Stick with what got you there -- highlights, and analysis.
-Gabe Norris
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Rosen's Rumblings: 7/3/02 edition
Sizemore an all-star?
This is new folks, an undeserving Indian making the all-star team. Grady is on his way to a fine career with several all-star appearances (last year was deserved) but this makes little sense. Despite being tied for 3rd in the league in runs scored with 67, Grady strikes out to much and continues to struggle against lefties. Surprisingly, Gary Sheffield was not elected by his own manager, despite having a better batting average and more homeruns and rbi’s then Grady. While Sizemore is one of only three players that can be used in center, it’s slightly shameful to see a player go who hasn’t had an outstanding year make the team. Of course it’s even more pathetic that two centerfielders (Torii Hunter and Ichiro Suzuki) cannot split the whole game in this day and age. Back to the point though, Grady may be an Indian, but after Travis Hafner’s snub a year ago, I hate to see players make the team who aren’t justified to attend. Perhaps Jim Leyland was influenced by his appeal and potential, rather then by his play on the field.
Add Ichiro to the list of Cleveland’s most hated:
This came out around three weeks ago and I’m still irate at Ichiro for his negative comments about Cleveland. For those that missed it, Ichiro commented through an interpreter that, "To tell the truth, I'm not excited to go to Cleveland, but we have to," "If I ever saw myself saying I'm excited going to Cleveland, I'd punch myself in the face, because I'm lying." Hilarious. All I can say is that Ichiro is a great player with ample media attention and a whole region of this earth in his corner. Hopefully, in the time he’s been here he has learned a few four letter words. Next time he enters Cleveland; he’ll learn a few more words and may contemplate enhanced security. I certainly do not condone violence but… let’s just say I won’t be upset the next time something happens negatively in his life. If you hate on my city, I wish you nothing but the worst. At least the M’s lost Grover and I look forward to a collapse at some point this season. Think 95’ Angels: young, talented, and destined to fall apart with a poor rotation.
Wishful thinking for courageous Bentley:
Amazing developments out of Berea: Injured Browns center LeCharles Bentley told the Plain Dealer in an exclusive interview that he plans to attend training camp, in hopes of starting the season opener versus Pittsburgh. Bentley tore his left patella tendon on the first day of contact drills, during training camp last July, and has been out ever since. He also revealed that he had four surgeries, rather then the two previously reported. The most amazing aspect of this story: Bentley stated that New York Giants team Physician Russell Warren advised him that he should retire and that, “he basically bet his license that I'd never play football again." So much for the value of a doctor’s license. It’s premature to expect Bentley to return by opening day, but that is far from the story here. Bentley’s tireless effort to, “fulfill my promise to Browns fans to come back and help this team win," proves that the Browns made the right decision in shelling out the do on Bentley. His presence alone should motivate every player to bust their rear ends on every play. Great for LeCharles, great for the players, great for the Cleveland sports fans. No matter what happens, his place is permanently enshrined as my favorite player ever to come out of St.Ignatuius high school. So now there’s LeCharles, Anthony Gonzalez and a slew of people I’m never going to like.
That’s all I have for July 3rd, 2007. Look out for these blogs on Ohio.FM in a short period of time. Looking forward to the Tribe and Tigers. By the way, it’s 10:28 AM EST and we still own Michigan.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Earth to Michael Vick ---
I don’t know about anyone else, but the thought of two dogs fighting to the death to me is simply repulsive. Now, I’m just a kid from a tiny town in
Not surprisingly, some of you may be screaming that this is now a “racist witch hunt” and blaming anyone that you can other than Michael Vick himself (the NFL, the feds, the national media, etc.), and that makes you an idiot and nothing short of it. You’re telling me that suddenly this becomes a racist issue as soon as someone even hints at criticizing Vick. Yet, none of us were racist when most of the fans and media adored Michael Vick for his first five years in the league when he could not hit an open receiver if his life depended on it. In fact, in my entire life I have never seen such a mediocre player get as much free praise for doing as little as Michael Vick actually did. I have no problem admitting that the entire country drank the Vick kool aid but when we finally decide to change our mind after seven years of on field futility, we are racists. Yep, just like that the entire country, government, and media all went racist solely because of Michael Vick. In fact, where are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? I am surprised they haven’t rushed to Vick’s side because we are so racist.