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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Columbus Cavaliers?

If you've heard me on C-Town Throwdown, you know I hail from the great city of Cleveland. The decision to live in Columbus is sometimes bittersweet, as I am equally as loyal to the Buckeyes as I am the Cavs. Today is a moment where my homesickness vanishes and all is right in the world. The Cavs are coming to ME. I really think this is a genius move to have pre-season games in cities with no professional team.

Over the past two years the Cavs have traveled to that city in Pennsylvania that Ben Worthlessburger plays for, and Columbus to give fans in other cities a taste of Cleveland.

So tonight's matchup is against Boston. I pretty much despise all things New England, and the Celtics are no exception. Sure they knocked us out of the playoffs two years ago, and Orlando knocked them out last year... but I'm really feeling it! I have faith in my Cavs that not only will secure a victory tomorrow night against Boston, but they'll take it all this year!

Most people in Columbus that aren't Cavs fans haggle me and tell me that Shaq is gonna get injured and LeBron is headed to New York next season. To them I say - haters to the left! I smell a Cavaliers championship! Who's with me?

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