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Monday, July 23, 2007

Bill Cowher ===> Mike Tomlin

Steelers training camp opens today which means .... "The Mike Tomlin Era" has officially begun in the land of the Black and Gold. And I for one, AM HAPPY Bill Cowher has left the holy land.

Unlike most Steeler fans, I call it like it is. After capturing our fifth title in Super Bowl XL, anyone with a pulse could tell that Cowher's passion for the game was waning. And to be perfectly honest, it was understandable on my end because of what he had accomplished during his 15 seasons in Pittsburgh.

Now, I had missed only a handful of games since 1992 and to see Bill Cowher laughing/hugging/smiling before the game was just simply unnerving to me. What had happened to the Cowher that inadvertently spit on everyone? I missed the coach that grabbed his players by the collar and threw them around if they messed up. He even reduced some to tears (Kordell Stewart) because he was so passionate about his profession.

Now am I saying Cowher was not a great coach? HECK NO. But it was obvious that all parties involved needed a change.

Check out this article on Mike Tomlin. To me, he sounds like exactly the type of guy you want as your coach. We will find out soon enough.

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