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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mike Vick: Part Deux

Michael Vick, the now former NFL poster-child, has been indicted on federal charges in regards to dog fighting. Personally, I am not one bit surprised. See my previous entry from over two weeks ago.

Even though you never enjoy watching someone's life spiral out of control like Michael Vick's is right now, it will be quite interesting to see how NFL Commish, Roger Goodell, is going to handle Vick's situation. Goodell has already shown us that you don't need to be convicted of anything in the public court of law to be suspended (ex. Pac-Man Jones). That is of course because in the NFL, Goodell is the judge and the jury as far as its players are concerned. Will he continue to follow the precedent he has set or does he start down the slippery slope of treating "star players" differently?

In my opinion (which is all that matters in this column), if the commissioner has any marbles (I personally do not doubt this) he will suspend Michael Vick for the entire season with pay. Thinks about it; by doing this, he will show every single team in the league that if you have a player that is going to blow-up the NFL's image and reputation, I'll blow-up your season. And not only is he never going to even sniff the field, you are still going to pay him every single cent of the ridiculous 100 million dollar contract you gave him. If that isn't a clear message to team's saying "Beware signing shady players", than I don't know what is.

Vick told the commissioner face-to-face at the NFL Draft in April that he had nothing to do with dog fighting and it was just some of his family members taking advantage of him. Looking back, maybe it wasn't the smartest thing Vick has ever done. Look for Goodell to come down, and come down hard on Michael Vick in the near future.

One last thing- if your the Falcons, do you really want to hear "Who Let the Dogs Out" 100 times every time you go on the road?

If you are interested, check out the entire 19 page Vick Indictment here. Pretty disgusting stuff.

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